Our Mission
Team 4776 S.C.O.T.S. Bots has a mission to spread the message of FIRST throughout the community. Since the beginning in 2013, we have given back to the community. We strive to spread STEM and in doing so, impact our world for the better.
Award Winning
2023 District Spirit Award
2023 District Impact Award
2022 District Chairman's Award
2022 Winner Jackson
2022 Entrepreneurship Award
2021 Deans List Finalist
2021 Regional Chairman's Award
2021 Creativity Award
2020 Lincoln Chairman's Award
2020 Safety Award
2024 District Spirit Award
2019 Michigan State Championship Chairman's Award
2019 Lansing Winner
2019 Lansing Chairman's Award
2019 Entrepreneurship Award
Howell Highlander Robotics
Howell Highlander Robotics is the Howell Robotics Family. We currently consist of 39 teams and grow more every year! One FRC team, 5 FTC teams, and 33 FLL teams! EVERY school in the Howell Public Schools District has a paid advisor and workspace. We strive to give every student the opportunity to participate in FIRST
Thank You to Our 2024-2025 Sponsors!
Aludyne, Chem Trend, MS Ultrasonic, Thompson Reuters

Kindergarten-3rd Grade
This is going to be a Jr. FLL Team! Capturing young curious minds through hands on scientific scenarios.

4th- 5th Grade
This is going to be a FLL Team! Students will research a real world engineering scenario and develop a solution as well as compete with a Lego based robot their team designs!

Middle School (6th-8th Grade)
This is going to be our FTC Team! Students will design, build and program a robot to complete against other teams across the the state!

High School (9th- 12th Grade)
This is going to be our FRC Team! Students compete head to head in competitions with a robot we design, build and program!