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howell robotics night

After all the craziness of the robotics ends, all of the Howell Robotics Teams come together and show off  FIRST to our community. We host a Robotics Night at Parker Middle School in the first week in May, every year since 2014.

We use this as an opportunity to recruit new members to our programs. There is an online sign up when you enter the school to give us your  information to give to the advisor of the program you are interested in. Then current robotics students will direct you to what program you can be involved with in the following  year.

Every student that attends the event gets the opportunity to drive and manipulate the robots each program has made in the passed season. Mentors and students are there to answer questions. This helps the Howell Robotics get it’s name out and get new students excited in the FIRST programs. Through Howell Robotics Night we have impacted 315 students.

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