FTC (First Tech Challenge) These are our teams!

Team Krash #15465
KRASH (Kids Robotic And Science of Howell) One of Krash's acomplishments is winning states in 2019. Right now they are working on stem and promoting robotics.

Team Kilts #10538
KILTS (Kids Inspiring Learning Technology & Science) In 2021 Kilts made it to states. Now they are working hard on thier robot.

Team Kaos #8464
KAOS (Kids Acting Out Sciences) Kaos was our first FTC team. Recently, Koas was the state championship qualifying team.

Team Karma #21914
KARMA (Kids And Robotics Making Achievments) Karma is our newest memeber to FTC.

Team Kudos #15229
KUDOS (Kids Understanding Developing Outstanding Science) Kudos has won the Design award and the Collins Aerospace Innovate Award. Now they are doing outreach to tell people about robotics.